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Welcome to Stork Hospital: The Best Medical Care In your City

At Stork Hospital, knowledge is power, especially regarding your health. Our primary objective is to provide patients with the necessary information to make informed decisions about their healthcare journey. This article will explore the fascinating world of "Frozen Shoulder," shedding light on this prevalent but frequently misunderstood condition.

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Understanding Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder, medically termed adhesive capsulitis, is a debilitating condition affecting the shoulder joint, resulting in pain and restricted mobility. Although it is prevalent among individuals in Hyderabad and worldwide, its complexities often evade comprehension.

The Root Causes of Frozen Shoulders

Contrary to prevailing notions, Frozen Shoulder transcends mere age-related factors. Although more prevalent among individuals over 40, this condition can afflict individuals of all ages. Grasping its underlying triggers serves as the initial stride towards efficacious treatment. Rest assured, our adept team at Stork Hospital stands ready to illuminate your path.

The Three Stages of Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder typically progresses through three stages – freezing, firming, and thawing. Each stage presents unique challenges and necessitates tailored treatment approaches to address them effectively.

Treatment Options at Stork Hospital

Our specialized doctors and therapists at Stork Hospital are equipped to manage and treat Frozen Shoulders completely. From conservative interventions such as physical therapy and medication to advanced procedures like arthroscopic surgery, we offer a whole spectrum of options tailored to meet your specific needs.

Dispelling Common Myths

  • Myth 1: Frozen Shoulder is an unavoidable consequence of aging.
  • Myth 2: Surgery stands as the sole solution.
  • Myth 3: Pain singularly constitutes the symptomatology.

Did You Know?

Here are some intriguing facts about Frozen Shoulder:

  • Frozen Shoulder affects approximately 2-5% of the Indian population.
  • It exhibits a higher prevalence in women compared to men.
  • Specific comorbidities like diabetes and thyroid disorders can augment the risk of developing a Frozen Shoulder.

Stay Informed, Stay Vigilant

At Stork Hospital, our mission transcends mere ailment treatment; we strive to empower our patients. Knowledge serves as the medium to enhanced health, and we are steadfast in furnishing you with the latest updates, tips, and resources to keep you up-to-date and engaged in your healthcare expedition.

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