Assists in Weight Loss
- Many women experience weight changes during breastfeeding. While some gain weight, others lose it effortlessly.
- Breastfeeding burns extra calories, and after three months of lactation, fat burning tends to increase compared to non-lactating mothers, although the difference may not be significant.
Promotes Uterine Contraction
- During pregnancy, the uterus expands significantly, growing from the size of a pear to nearly filling the abdomen.
- After childbirth, the uterus undergoes involution, shrinking back to its pre-pregnancy size. This process is driven by oxytocin, a hormone that increases during pregnancy and peaks during labor.
- Breastfeeding boosts oxytocin levels, encouraging uterine contractions and reducing postpartum bleeding, aiding the uterus in returning to its previous size.
- Studies show that breastfeeding mothers generally experience less blood loss post-delivery and quicker uterine involution.
Lowers Risk of Postpartum Depression
- Breastfeeding is associated with a reduced risk of postpartum depression (PPD). Women who breastfeed are less likely to develop PPD compared to those who wean early or do not breastfeed.
- However, early onset of PPD can make breastfeeding more challenging and may shorten its duration. It is important to seek medical advice if you experience symptoms of PPD.
Reduces Disease Risk
- Breastfeeding provides long-term protection against certain cancers and diseases. The duration of breastfeeding is linked to a lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
- Breastfeeding mothers also have a reduced risk of high blood pressure, arthritis, high cholesterol, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
Delays Menstruation
- Extended breastfeeding can delay ovulation and menstruation, which may help space out pregnancies naturally.
- This pause in the menstrual cycle can be seen as an added benefit, allowing you to enjoy more uninterrupted time with your newborn.
- Saves Time and Money
- Breastfeeding is cost-effective, aside from potential expenses for lactation consulting and breast pumps.
- By breastfeeding, you avoid spending money on formula, calculating daily intake, cleaning and sterilizing bottles, and preparing bottles at inconvenient times.
- Breast milk is always available at the right temperature and ready to feed, simplifying the feeding process and making it more convenient, especially when on the go.